
23 Days of Advent Devotions for Free

Advent DevotionsI’ve got a lot coming up I want to update you guys about and some youth ministry perspectives I’m looking forward to discussing with you all, but in the meantime I thought I’d let you know that Robbie Mackenzie, a youth minister in Springfield, Tennessee, wrote a daily advent devotions for the Advent season and he’s sharing it freely with you.

The calendar for Advent starts on December 2nd (sorry I’m getting this to you a bit late!) and ends on Christmas Eve!. Since there are four weeks in Advent, Robbie’s Advent devotionals cover four themes for each week:

  • Waiting
  • Expectancy
  • Joy
  • Peace

The advent devotions contain a Scripture for the day, a thought, some questions, and then a prayer exercise. It’ll work great as something to go through as a family leading up to Christmas Day.

It’s completely free, so download it here and thank Robbie for sharing this with us!

LinkDownload the 2012 Daily Advent Devotional

Posted on December 6, 2012

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