To Game or Not To Game
Some groups use games, other’s don’t. Which is the right way to go in using games at youth group and why?

Freebie Friday 183: “Minute To Win It” activity guide
This free activity guide download from NBC includes details and instructions about how to play Minute To Win It games at youth group, camp, and retreats.

A youth group game using Google Voice
Since I’m on a roll with the whole “technology in ministry thing” after this week’s post on how new technology develops into a ministry…

Youth group game: Cell phone picture challenge
While feeding my little girl two weeks ago, I watched the Youth Specialties podcast with Jonathan McKee who gave an idea of a cell phone text messaging game. I…

Favorite Youth Group Games: Baseball meets dodgeball
Indoor Game; All Ages; 30 or more kids
This game was submitted by Ish Engle, youth pastor at First Christian Church of Cushing, Oklahoma.
There are seven boxes…

Favorite Youth Group Games: Inner-tube challenge
Indoor Game; All Ages; 30 or more kids
Troy Young, student pastor at Immanuel Baptist Church in Danville, KY, sent me this game idea. I haven’t tried it…

Favorite Youth Group Games: Musical dodge ball
Indoor Game; All Ages; 10 or more kids
This post has been sitting as a draft for almost a year. Sorry! Better late than never, I guess.
Justin Ross has a great…

Top 5 summer youth events that cost under $5 total
Have a small budget and need ideas for cheap, yet fun, youth events? Check these out.

Favorite Youth Group Games: Toilet paper dodgeball
Indoor Game; All Ages; 10 or more kids
This game idea is submitted by Russell Martin, a worship leader in Texarkana, Texas.
Gather many rolls of toilet paper…

Favorite Youth Group Games: Bean Boozled
Indoor Game; All Ages; 4 or more kids
We played this a couple weeks ago in both our Jr. High and Sr. High ministries. The facial expressions and reactions are…