
5 advantages of a small youth group

Advantages of a small youth groupWhy is it that the big churches try so hard to be like the small churches, while the small churches try to hard to be like the big churches? The large churches start small groups and try to be communal; the small churches try to have big programs and lots of flash.

It’s like they’re all teenage girls or something! The girls with straight hair spend hours curling it, and the girls with curly hair spend hours straightening it. If only they could all swap scalps, maybe then they’d be content what what they have.

Whether you’re in a small church, a mid-size church, or a large church, there are unique challenges and opportunities in each. The grass is not always greener on the other side no matter where you are.

If you’re in a small youth group, rather than trying to become like a large youth group, here are 5 advantages you have. Learn to capitalize on these.

1. A sense of community. Everyone knows each other’s names, each other’s families, parents, interests, personalities, etc. When someone is missing from a youth group meeting, others notice and can follow-up without having to check an impersonal attendance sheet.

2. Easier to focus. You can’t do everything and you know it. A smaller group often makes it easier to focus on doing one or two things really well and allowing the lesser important things to fall away.

3. Welcoming to outsiders. It’s easier to notice when a visitor shows up at a youth group meeting. That newcomer can quickly feel accepted and loved by the entire group.

4. Easy to stay in touch. You can say, “Good morning!” to every kid in your youth group just by sending a single text message with multiple recipients.

5. Be in-tune with their lives. You can know the needs, struggles, hopes, dreams and failures of every kid. This allows you to be very specific in what you teach and how you teach it at youth group meetings.

Question: What other advantages does a small youth group have? Share your thoughts in the comments section below this post.

Read: “5 advantages of a large youth group

Posted on June 17, 2010

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