
Angel Tree camp over, now on vacation

Angel Tree Camp - Breakaway 2007

We’re finally back from our trip to New Jersey where we put on a camp for inner-city Angel Tree children and I have to say, my youth group kids did an absolutely outstanding job of working with the children. They stepped up to the plate during stressful times, handled difficult situations with great wisdom and poured 110% of themselves into the campers. The most encouraging part was that the impact they made on the kids’ lives was visibly evident throughout the week. We could literally see the life-change taking place as some of them heard about God for the first time and experienced love an affection from the nine youth group counselors. I posted several hundred pictures of the trip on my youth group website, for anyone who’s interested.

We returned to Minneapolis Thursday evening and now, after one canceled flight and another delayed two hours, Dana and I are in Oklahoma for her family reunion for a couple days. We’ll also spend some time in Dallas visiting friends and our old church before heading back to Minnesota next week. Until then, it will probably be quiet around my site here. Time for some good ol’ vacation.

Posted on July 1, 2007

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