
The best communication tool I’ve used in youth ministry

TxtsignalA few years ago I told you all about the mass text messaging service I used with my youth group called, TXTSignal. I used it not only to send quick, last-minute reminders to students, but to make announcements, hold contests, keep a log of text message conversations with students for accountability, send out daily Bible verses to keep God’s Word in front of them, and much more.

But the text messaging landscape has changed a lot since I first started using TXTSignal. Obviously, students are still texting just as much as they always were, but today flip phones are no longer the main device students are using. Instead, it’s smart phones that take texting usuage to different levels (although, am I the only one who still misses T9?).

Fortunately, TXTSignal is doing an amazing job at keeping up with the technology. A couple key updates those guys have made since the last time I talked about them.

  • They have a new mobile version of the service that’s optimized for smart phones and tablets. Login, send a txt to your entire youth group, or to just the parents or leaders. Respond to a couple of the replies you get while you’re in there, too.
  • The desktop version has an updated and refreshed design, as well.
  • Import contact info to quickly setup your text message list.
  • They also have keyword texting, also known as, “text to join.” Setup a keyword for your youth group and simply tell them to text JOIN with your keyword to 94033.
  • The web page that students, parents, and leaders can optionally use to sign up, unsubscribe, and update their info recieved a facelift and become customizable, too.

It’s probably worth noting that it’s the only text messaging company that has a policy in writing that they don’t share, sell, nor resell any account or contact information. Others companies say they don’t, but only TXTSignal has built it into their privacy policy.

But here’s the best part: if your TXTSignal account is for a ministry, email their support team, tell them I sent you and you’ll get 10% off the monthly fee. Of course, start with 30 day trial, first and see what you think.

And just in the interest of full disclosure, I am not a TXTSignal affiliate nor am I sponsored by them. In fact, I get no kickback at all from this post. Although this may sound like a commercial, I just really love their service and feel like it’s a great communication tool for youth workers. Enjoy!

Posted on April 21, 2014

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