
Contrast between jobs

Yesterday was great! Most of the Sr. High guys had the day off, so we hung out at my apartment and had a Halo 2 LAN party. It’s been a while since we’ve done this and I think most of us missed it. My eyes even starting hurting shortly after my throat became a little rough from yelling. :) The best part, though, was an opportunity to talk one-on-one with one of them about issues going on in his life. That’s the part I live for.

And then today I come to my other job where I’m the IT guy. Almost immediately I’m asked why certain projects aren’t finished, what the status is of such-and-such, and how come a certain option isn’t working. The stress hits right away due to unrealistic expectations and I think, “Man, I wanna go back to my other job.” Seriously, I don’t get paid enough for this. If they want someone who knows everything there is to know about every software package and every technology out there, then they can expect to pay over $200/hour for someone else who will still fall short. I’m pulled from one project to the next before I can finish any of them and then I’m later asked why the first one isn’t finished. Plus, they don’t even see all the work I have to put in to things that take place in the background, such as the backup system, security updates, and spam control. It’s a stressful and frustrating situation.

My heart is in youth ministry. Nerdy computer stuff is just a hobby I picked up somewhere and am apparently proficient enough to keep a job in the field. Days like today clearly confirm my heart’s intent.

Posted on February 21, 2006

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