
Freebie Friday 209: Free LIVE lessons from Simply Youth Ministry

Free youth ministry resources every FridayI’ve heard a lot about Simply Youth Ministry’s LIVE curriculum, mostly about it’s flexibility, customization options, and the ability to login with your church’s youth leaders and plan several years of curriculum together. For youth groups that tend to jump from one lesson to the next with no real direction or correlation, a 6-year curriculum plan like LIVE is perfect for taking teens to an actual spiritual destination by the end of their time in youth group.

What I like about LIVE Curriculum
While I had seen some sample lessons here and there, it wasn’t until recently that I logged into the back-end of the LIVE system and saw just how slick it really was. I was expecting it to be a normal subscription-based site where I login and download a PDF of this week’s lesson, but it’s actually much more than that. It has calendars for scheduling lessons and events, messaging between my church’s youth leaders surrounding the lesson material, ready-to-go teaser text messages to send out, discussion guides, downloads for each lesson, and a lot more. It’s more like a customizable curriculum series that also helps you keep it all organized. I love that a church’s youth leadership team can all login to the site and grab their lesson for the evening after reading some of the youth pastor’s thoughts, comments and recommendations on it.

Live Curriculum - Doug FieldsThis isn’t meant to be a commercial, though! haha Below you can download 2 jr high lessons and 2 sr high lessons from the LIVE curriculum.

Conflict (Jr High)
A free 2-week series from LIVE for junior high students on handling conflict. Week 1 talks about handling conflict with parents and week two talks about handling conflict with friends.

LinkDownload “Conflict” Jr High Lessons

Discover Who You Really Are (Sr High)
A free 2-week series from LIVE for high school students on discvering who you really are. Week 1 asks, “Who defines you?” and week 2 talks about protecting your identity.

LinkDownload “Discover Who You Really Are” Sr High Lessons

Click to LIVE image in this post to visit LIVE’s website and learn more about their 6-year curriculum series.

[ Full Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links for LIVE. ]

Posted on December 31, 2010

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