
Freebie Friday 177: 4 week lesson series on Haggai

Free youth ministry resources every FridayUsually when I write Bible study lessons for my youth group I scratch it down in notes that are rarely usable by anyone other than me. I know the direction I want to take and the points I want to make in my head as I study a passage, so my notes are usually random words or sentences to keep me on track, remind me of questions I want to ask, cross-references I want to address, or a transition I want to get just right. Because of that, it takes a lot more time for me to format my lessons in a way that’s usable for other people. But I had so much fun studying the book of Haggai that I thought I’d write it so you guys could use it, too.

The lessons aren’t perfectly written out, but it’s good enough that you could hopefully use your knowledge of Haggai to teach through the book with the direction provided in these lessons.

Each lesson contains:

  • Lesson notes in Word format
  • Handouts ready to print
  • Some of the lessons include a slideshow presentation in PowerPoint and KeyNote.

LinkDownload the 4 Week Lessons Series on Haggai

IMPORTANT: As with any lesson, please make sure you study the book of Haggai on your own before you teach it to students. Internalize it first so you teach from your heart, not from a lesson plan. You must apply it to your own life before teaching it to others if you expect teens to follow your example. Otherwise, this is nothing more than time-filler for your youth group meeting, which is extremely disrespectful to the Word of God because it’s meant to be so much more than that.

Posted on May 14, 2010

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