
Hard to focus lately

Whew, what a week! My denomination’s church camp for the midsouth went surprisingly well, especially considering this was my first year to direct the 7th-9th grade division. I was blessed to work with a wonderful team of mature and responsible counselors who really made the week a success for everyone. We all had a blast, lives where changed and everyone is dead tired. Pictures are here.

I’m finding it terribly difficult to focus on almost anything right now. There’s so much going on in my personal life that it’s hard to concentrate on much of anything. I mean, the wedding is coming up next month and, although it’s all coming together perfectly, there’s still a lot of details to pull together. Plus, there’s stress from Dana and I not seeing each other very often due to living three hours apart, not to mention that I’ll be in the Ukraine later this month for 11 days with no contact with her. She’ll also be on a separate missions trip two days before I leave. I’ll return home and get married less than two weeks later. Then there’s all the financial stress we’re under plus a slew of other things. It’s just a lot to take all at once. Dana and I are both very much looking forward to our honeymoon alone together, escaping from everything except each other for a whole week and relaxing in the silence of our lakeside cabin in the woods. Until then, I’m one very distracted individual.

Posted on June 4, 2006

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