
How to stay hip, cool, and in touch with teens

Topic / Videos

While most normal people spend their free time watching sports and movies, I pretty much spend most of my media consumption time catching up on my 300+ YouTube subscriptions. I love YouTube so much more than traditional media for so many reasons.

One of the channels I subscribe to is Julian Smith who is popular for his comedy sketches that poke fun of popular cultural trends and common life experiences.

Last week as I was watching my YouTube subscriptions, I was surprised to see that he answered a youth worker’s question on his second channel and made an entire video dedicated to it.

The youth worker asked him:

…I’ve started to feel older and out of touch with the teens. Can you recommend anything to get me back in the “cool-zone?”

Here’s Jullian Smith’s response, playing one of his characters as a awkwardly abnormal, but lovable guy.

Posted on December 21, 2011

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