
I need prayer this week

Anyone who reads this, I’d appreciate some prayer this week. As I posted before, the grind aspect of ministry is becoming very real to me lately. Never before have I been more convinced that the sin of gossip and lies are horrible and that they have the potential to ruin ministry. I wish some people could just realize the affect their actions are having and STOP, but I guess people who conduct themselves in this manner are usually not in a position to notice (or care?). I’m angry, I feel vulnerable and emotionally drained, and I really want to throw tact and diplomacy out the window and say what I’m thinking to certain people, but I know that will do more harm than good. Originally I wanted to use this situation as an opportunity for change and growth in people’s lives, but now the situation has been pushed much further than I thought it would ever go since the offending parties have leaped across a number of different boundaries. Rather than trying to promote maturity and life-change, I now have to resort to defending the reputation of the youth ministry and protecting the students in it. If you think of it, please pray for me this week as the church leadership deals with this situation on my behalf. Pray that we will have widsom and that my creditability remains intact. Ultimately, however, pray that the Lord will somehow be glorified through it all.

P.S. What I’ve learned through this is that it is ALWAYS a good idea to keep your Sr. Pastor up to date on everything that goes on inside the youth ministry. I’m definitely glad now that I do this.

Posted on December 12, 2005

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