
LIVE Youth Ministry Talk

What is LIVE YM Talk?

Join us every Monday at 2:00 PM Eastern Time for a LIVE conversation between me and many other youth workers from around the country. Together we talk about anything and everything pertaining to “life in student ministry” and you’re invited to join the conversation! Although we occasionally set the topics beforehand, often we leave it up to you to chime in, ask for input on an issue, share your advice with others, or just tell us about something exciting in your ministry, all LIVE!

This show seeks to discuss “whatever is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen” (Eph. 4:29).

Click HERE to join us LIVE online!

Or call (646) 721-9140

(Mondays at 2:00 PM EST. Long distance charges may apply.)

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Upcoming conversations

NOTE: All times are shown in Eastern Time and are subject to change.

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Past Episodes

With over 100 past episodes of LIVE YM Talk, there is definitely a lot of solid youth ministry wisdom to glean from. View the archives here.

New eBookGo
Focused Youth Ministry ebook

85% off!

Focused Youth Ministry

This practical "how to" ebook will walk you through a 30-step process to discovering God's vision for your unique ministry context. The process also shows you how to implement that vision and put metrics in place to evaluate what is moving the vision forward and what isn't.

Price: $12.95 Limited time: $1.99

  • or call (646) 721-9140

    Mondays at 2:00 PM EDT

    Long distance charges may apply.
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