
Ministry is a kingdom mindset

Almost every church I’ve been a part of has kids who attend youth group at other churches. Although some youth pastors take this as a personal offense or an indication of failure on their part, I’m actually glad these kids are still attending church and going where they will be most effectively ministered to.

Every youth group is different. No matter how hard we try to achieve balance in all areas, there is not one church youth group out there that will reach and connect to every student both within and without its doors. Every youth group has a different emphasis, different personalities, and different strengths.

Ministry is a Kingdom mindset. Area churches reach students together, not independently. If one of our students goes to another church, I trust that church will diligently minister to him or her. After all, students from other churches and the community come here, too. It’s not about competition, having a large group or whose group has what kids — it’s about students being reached for Christ where ever that will happen best for the individual. Rather than feeling competition from First Generic Church down the street, we need to support each other and grow the Kingdom together. They connect with kids we’ll never reach, just as we do the same.

Posted on May 8, 2006

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