
My thoughts on Osama Bin Laden, justice and death [video]

After a lot of controversy among pastors and youth workers on Twitter last night, I got a little frustrated with Christians being so passive toward justice. In this video are my thoughts on Osama Bin Laden’s death and the justice that the U.S. served to him. You can mourn his death, but to not celebrate justice feels wrong considering the 42,000 innocent lives that were taken, the promotion of violence, all the fear that was put in people’s hearts, etc..

I’ll admit that I may be a bit more passionate about justice than many others due to other experiences in my life, so I’m probably not the most neutral person on this matter, but I still have an initial reaction just like everyone else.

I welcome interaction about this, but keep the comments friendly and oriented for discussion, not arguing. Please and thank you.

(By the way, there’s already an engaging discussion happening in the comments on this video on YouTube. Check those comments out.)

Posted on May 2, 2011

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