
Special guest on our Skypecast this Friday

We’ve taken a little break from our Friday Skypecasts since I was away on a missions trip for a couple weeks and then last Friday was July 4th. I’m excited to talk with you all again this Friday, though. We always have such great conversations about youth ministry, our struggles, our praise reports, and sharing advice. What an encouraging time! I love it!

This Friday we have a lot of catching up to do. Let’s talk about what’s been happening in your ministry so far this summer. How has God been working? What are you excited about? What issues have come up that you’d like to bounce off other youth workers? We want to hear all your stories from this summer so far.

We’ll also have a special guest joining us. Steve Quatro is the director of Kern Center for Vocational Ministry and is an adjunct professor at Azusa Pacific University. He’s working with a team of Christian leaders to develop a program for high school students who may be sensing God calling to pastoral ministry. They are working hard to interface with youth workers on this issue, both to gain input and also equip us for guiding such teens. Steve whats to hear about what you do with students who express interest in serving God vocationally. Do you encourage your students to consider it? How young do you start planting the seeds? He’ll also give us some insights to use in our personal ministries, which I’m looking forward to hearing.

If you get a chance before the Skypecast, check out their website at They have college scholarships available, resources, and tools for exploring the Lord’s calling in vocational ministry.

What is a Skypecast?

If you’re new to Life In Student Ministry, every Friday at 1:00 PM Central Time many youth pastors from all over the world connect together in an audio “chat room” to talk about “life in student ministry.” We pray for each other, hear each others stories, give input into situations, and train each other to be more effective in our ministry to teenagers. For information about how to join the Skypecast (it’s FREE!) and to hear an audio highlight clip of what it’s like, check out the Life In Student Ministry Skypecast page.

Upcoming Skypecast Schedule

  • July 11: Helping teens follow the Lord’s calling into vocational ministry (Steve Quatro, special guest)
  • July 18: No Skypecast
  • July 25: No Skypecast
  • August 1: The balance between “fun” and Bible study in youth group
  • August 8: Getting parents involved in the spiritual lives of their teens
  • August 15: No Skypecast
  • August 22: Problems with youth group as a “minichurch”
  • August 29: No Skypecast
  • September 5: Evaluating the spiritual depth of our youth ministries
  • September 12: Working with students who suffer from depression and eating disorders (special guest, TBA)

I apologize for the Skypecast schedule being so sporadic. I’m traveling a lot these next couple months. Mark this schedule on your calendar, though, so you can participate when I’m here. Of course, in each Skypecast there will always be time dedicated to whatever special needs you want to bring to the table for discussion.

Stay Up-To-Date

To stay up-to-date with the latest Skypecast information, become a fan of the Life In Student Ministry Facebook Page or follow me on Twitter.

Posted on July 9, 2008

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