
Spiritual “Memorial Days” [Time Out]

Topic / Time Out

Time Out quiet times for the youth worker's soulTime Out: Weekly quiet times for the youth worker’s soul.
In the US, today is Memorial Day. Memorial Day was actually started to remember those who died in the American Civil War and later included those who died in World War I. Today, it is a federal holiday which serves to remind people of the men and women who fought for freedom here.

In the Scriptures, we see that God institutes memorials all over the place. Joshua uses 12 stones to create a visual reminder for future generations, signifying what God did at the Jordan. Jesus used the bread and wine at the table to institute communion, a reminder even to the church today of the sacrifice that he made for the sins of mankind, that redemption could be possible. God knows that painting pictures for us, especially those that require action, help to reinforce things, aid our understanding, and continually remind us. Pictures are powerful.

Unfortunately, they can also be forgotten. In the US, Memorial Day also has another significance. It is the official start of the summer season. Vacation spots start bustling. People use the three day weekend to plan vacations and BBQ’s. There’s parades, attended by some, but often little memory. The greater significance and focus is most often on a day off and summer season, than the intended remembrance of fallen soldiers.

Regardless of your location or thoughts on soldiers and politics, the point is that memorials can be lost. When we see these in Scripture, take time to reflect on them. We still practice communion in the church today. Don’t let this be lost in meaning. Do not let it become routine, but a symbol of great sacrifice.

I would encourage you to practice this in your own life. Create spiritual reminders. Make sure there are things that you come across daily that remind you of who you are in Christ, the life you live, and the sacrifice was made. Be creative, be intentional, but make sure there’s significance. Pictures are powerful. Let’s use them to deepen our walk, as even our Lord did.

Posted on May 30, 2011

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