
Ten commandments for surviving in youth ministry (5 of 10)

Ten commandments for surviving in youth ministry5. Thou shalt invest into students lives on an individual basis. Don’t assume someone else is doing it or that the student doesn’t really want it. Even in larger youth groups, pick a couple kids and pour your life into them. If critics arise who accuse you of playing favorites, remember it’s better to give a few students individual godly attention than no one at all. Don’t let the fear of critics paralyze your ministry. And if, in a worst case scenario, there are kids who are jealous and demand for your time, that’s great! Bring ’em on! Ensure that volunteers are doing the same with everyone else. Whatever you do, don’t get so wrapped up in administrative crud that there’s no time for personal time with kids. They don’t care what you do in the office all day or if your Sunday school lesson isn’t too deep this week. If your actions don’t prove that you have a personal interest in them, they won’t be listening anyway.

Posted on August 13, 2007

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