
Why do kids come to youth group?

Do they come to learn? To have a good time? To worship? To avoid homework?

Craig Groeschel, pastor of, posted some reasons why people come to church. It made me ask the same question about youth group. We’d like to think it’s to hear our powerful lesson series, to experience God in dynamic worship, or even just a general desire to grow spiritually. Although those reasons may be true for some students, they’re probably in the minority.

I think kids come to youth group because of the relationships. The opposite is true, as well. Students who aren’t connected in meaningful relationships don’t really care to be there.

So why do we spend so much time every week planning events and programs when really the greatest impact we can have is just showing kids that we love them and that God does, too? It seems like our priorities might be backwards.

The old cliche really is true: People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.

Posted on April 11, 2007

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