
A little change in plans at youth group tonight

Yesterday morning I found out that Shane & Shane and Bebo Norman were coming to our church tonight night to perform. Normally that wouldn’t be a big deal, except I doubted any of my jr. high small group leaders could successfully pull of their meeting times with something like that going on outside their classroom doors. So, I gave leaders the option of taking their small group to the concert instead and most took me up on it. Next week the African Children’s Choir is performing at our church and there will be no jr. high meeting because of that, so two weeks in a row with no jr. high. Good thing I still have my Sunday mornings with them. I miss those guys!

Look at these pictures of Shane. Are you thinking what I’m thinking? lol

Shane & Shane Shane & Shane

Shane & Shane Shane & Shane

Here’s some other more serious pictures. You can also see more pictures here.

Shane & Shane Bebo Norman

Bebo Norman Sound guy playing on iPhone

Posted on October 4, 2007

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