
Addressing issues of sexuality at youth group [podcast]

Topic / Podcasts

LIVE Youth Ministry TalkThis is a great discussion that I encourage all youth workers to listen to! I didn’t host this show, Tony Myles did since I had something come up at the last minute.

Tony and about 5 other guys talked about sex, homosexuality, masturbation, and more, as it relates to youth ministry. In fact, I am thoroughly impressed they fit so much into a 1-hour discussion! Crazy. Here are the highlights of what they discussed:

  • Is a kid’s view of sexuality based on the home they grow up in?
  • Talking about cohabitation when many of the kids have a parent who is living with a boyfriend or girlfriend
  • Talking about issues of sexuality that are political
  • Interacting with parents who tell their kids they’re old enough to be sexually active
  • How do you work between what you believe theological and what the culture says without offending people?
  • Should we continue using services and organizations that support a different sexual view than us?
  • What about the people who love God and tried to be straight, but find more fulfillment in a homosexual lifestyle?
  • How is it best to address sexual issues at youth group? Up front? In small groups? One on one?
  • Responding to a teen who tells you they masturbate
  • The difficulty of addressing sexual issues with teens that we’re currently struggling with

You can listen to the discussion below or grab it in iTunes.

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Posted on November 20, 2010

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