
Day 2: Report from Haiti YMATH Missions Trip

I'm in HaitiUnfortunately, the bandwidth here isn’t allowing me to post my daily video blogs right now, so I’m going to have to add those later. Sorry. I was planning to share most of my thoughts about the trip through video so I could personally show you things like I did in my last update, but after 30+ hours of waiting for my “day 2” video to upload, it obviously was not going to work. Maybe I can find another wifi spot somewhere in the city that will have a more realistic upload speed.

Yesterday was my second day here with the Youth Ministry Advance Team: Haiti and it’s been both a blast and challenging. Fortunately, I think we’re being eased into the shock I’m sure will ensue tomorrow because we’re gradually making our way to ground zero, making many stops along the way, hearing people’s stories, and gradually seeing buildings that are first shaken, then leaning, then half-way crumbled.

We met a lady who lost her twins in the earthquake when a building collapsed on them. Both 6-month olds were killed instantly, and one of them was stolen from her arms by a man who thought she was holding his child. Furthermore, her left leg is severely broken and she has no more feeling in it. While she and her husband are doing whatever they can just to cope, when we prayed for them her husband cried out in the most agonizing sobs, “Why, Jesus? Why?”

There are stories like this all over Haiti. Some have lost all hope, but the vast majority of Haitians are very hopeful and looking to Jesus to save them.

Tomorrow we head into epicenter of the quake and I’m sure the destruction we’ll witness there will be unbelievable. Hopefully I’m mentally, spiritually and emotionally prepared.

Media to check out

Besides my video blogging above, I posted a little photo album on my Facebook page of day 2 here in Haiti.

Also check out this video of a Haitian named Rudy who sang to us while laid up on a hospital bed. Very moving.

[ See my other recent posts about my trip to Haiti ]

Also follow my updates here:

Posted on February 13, 2010

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