
Day 3: Report from Haiti YMATH Missions Trip

I'm in Haiti[ See my other recent posts about my trip to Haiti ]

I think I absorbed more today than I ever have before in a single day. The video summary I put together for “day 3” (and will try to post at YouTube when our slow Internet connection will allow it) explains a bit more, but to summarize:

  • Thousands of Haitians are coming to know Christ. The past three days were the country’s first National Day of Prayer. People were praying everywhere — in the streets, on the sidewalks, in buildings, in tent communities, everywhere. Sometimes they were groups of 20, sometimes groups up 30,000! I’ve never seen a country come together to worship and praise God like this. Even in our conversations with people, one of the first things they start telling you about is Jesus and how He saved them. Incredible.
  • Everything you’ve seen about the destruction is true. It’s massive. I have no idea how it could ever be cleaned up. It will definitely take years before their old spaces are livable again. In the meantime, their only option is to live in massive tent communities in fields, streets, and anywhere else they can find.
  • We talked with several Haitian pastors about how American churches can partner with them and their congregations. It’s a bit tricky because we want to make sure we don’t get set them up for dependency, but yet we want to come behind them, support them, and enable them to be both the heros and spiritual leaders their country needs.
  • The way these people pray is amazing. It’s so full of passion, faith, and trust. It’s like, when they pray they believe God hears it and will respond. I know us Americans believe that, too, but I’m not sure we really believe it.
  • One of the things that has stood out to me the most is a passage I read this morning in Psalm 104:32, “The earth trembles at his glance.” It seems like the Lord is looking favorably upon Haiti and it literally shook. I don’t want to go too far with that passage, but God is definitely working here and it is such a huge blessing to be able to have a small glimpse into His obvious spiritual transformation of this country.

There’s a lot more going through my mind, but it’s late and I need to get to bed. Can’t wait to get these daily video blogs uploaded for you all sometime soon so you can see what I’m talking about.

Check out today’s photos

Again, I posted some of today’s Haiti pictures on my Facebook page. Check ’em out!

Also follow my Haiti updates here:

Posted on February 13, 2010

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