
Favorite Youth Group Games series

Favorite youth group gamesI love youth group games! I start every large-group youth meeting with some sort of game or fun activity and sometimes end with one, too. They generate excitement, let kids burn energy, teaches them to work together, gets them interacting, relaxes visitors, and plus they’re just plain ol’ fun!

Games can be a vital aspect of any youth meeting, so I’m going to introduce a new blog feature to Life in Student Ministry called, Favorite Youth Group Games. Once a week or so I’ll feature one my favorite youth group games and how you can effectively use it in meetings. However, I am continually learning from others, so if you have a favorite youth group game to submit, I’d love to have you cover it here as a guest blogger. Just send me your game post, a picture of yourself and a link to your blog if you have one. You’ll get full credit, of course, with a link to your site.

Posted on September 23, 2007

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