
Favorite Youth Group Games: Musical dodge ball

Youth group gamesIndoor Game; All Ages; 10 or more kids

This post has been sitting as a draft for almost a year. Sorry! Better late than never, I guess.

Justin Ross has a great youth group game idea of combining Musical Chairs with Dodge Ball. When the music stops, one team runs across the room to sit in a row of chairs while the other team tries to peg them with dodge balls. Whoever is hit with a ball is out, as well as the last person to sit down. Then teams switch roles.

Read more details on his site about how to play this high-energy game.

SUBMIT YOUR GAME: If you have a favorite youth group game, tell me about it. If I publish it, you’ll receive full credit, a link, lots of gratitude and a warm feeling inside that comes from sharing with others.

Posted on August 14, 2008

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