
Free discipleship volunteer training guide [Freebie Friday]

Free youth ministry resources every FridayOur Weekly Freebie Friday: #267

Jeremy Smith is a youth worker in the Air Force Academy, as well as guy who works with Youth For Christ and other youth ministry organizations. He wrote a 20 page training guide he uses with volunteers in helping them become a “disciple-teacher” themselves.

There’s several different ways you could use this, though, besides just training new adult leaders. The guide contains several devotions and Bible studies you can use with your leaders during your trainings, meetings, or even in an email message.

Jeremy provides both the PDF and the Word document so you can modify the guide and use it freely in your ministry however it works best for you. Snag it from his website linked below.

LinkDownload the Discipleship Volunteer Training Guide

Posted on February 10, 2012

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