
Freebie Friday #143: A free Twitter-themed youth group newsletter template

Free youth ministry resources every FridayA few weeks ago, Adam Walker Cleaveland, Minister for Youth & Young Adults at Asbury United Methodist Church in Livermore, CA, was sitting down to put the monthly newsletter together. He was feeling a little bored with the current layout so he posted something on Twitter asking for ideas. A few of his youth caught wind of that, and one sophomore girl said she’d work on it when she got home, and the result is today’s Freebie Friday: a Twitter-Themed Newsletter.

Twitter newsletter for youth groupsIn the download, you’ll get the newsletter in a variety of editable formats:

  • iWork’s Pages
  • Microsoft Office
  • A postcard version in Microsoft Publisher format
  • The necessary font files and Photoshop file are also included

This is such a great idea – primarily because it was created by youth. The designer said she was so stoked that people around the US were using her design for their youth groups – she’s pretty excited to be able to let everyone use this for free! It’s also a great way to keep your newsletters brief, to the point, and concise with a layout that’s been proven to communicate successfully.

Download the Twitter-themed youth group newsletter from Adam’s blog:
How to make a Twitter Youth Group Newsletter

Today our featured guest is Mark Matlock. He’ll lead us in a discussion about some pretty cutting edge group teaching methods: How to use improvisational techniques for group learning. See the LIVE YM Talk page for details on how to join the call and/or the live chat at 2:00 PM Eastern time.

Posted on September 17, 2009

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