
Freebie Friday #150: 3-session Bible study for the movie, A Christmas Carol

Free youth ministry resources every FridayToday’s freebie is contributed by Interlinc. Here’s their summary of the freebie:

Most of our students are impacted by music, tv, movies and videos games (or a complex combination therein), so when we have a chance to use one of those media venues for kingdom purpose, it can have a big impact. Disney is releasing A Christmas Carol this weekend. We media-ministry dudes at Interlinc have created a 3-session Youth Leader Guide to help you make the most of a movie that most of your students will probably see.

By the way, it’s an awesome movie – some of our Interlinc staff got a sneak peek on Monday. The 3D is amazing and helps communicate the story that much more. We decided to help with this movie since it is a wonderful story of life-evaluation and redemption.

So go download the 3-session Bible study lesson guide today and put Scrooge to work for you. Enjoy the Freebie on us, and enjoy A Christmas Carol.

LinkView and download youth Bible study lessons for A Christmas Carol

LIVE YM Talk this Monday, November 9, YOU are the featured guest. We will have an open discussion where you can ask questions, seek advice, share prayer concerns, vent, share stories, whatever you want with other youth workers. We’d love to have you join us for the live conversation at 2:00 PM eastern time! See our LIVE YM Talk page for details.

Posted on November 6, 2009

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