
Guest Post: Dramatic Weight Loss of Spirituality

Jeff Beckley writes the following guest post for Life In Student Ministry. Self-image and weight is something teenage girls battle today. As male youth pastors, we do not have a great perspective on what girls face. We need to make sure teenage girls have a proper understanding of self-image and how God intends us to view ourselves and live.

There once was a day when MTV stood for music television. Now, I won’t even touch that channel with a 10 foot pole. Whether it is the popular tween “drama” The Hills, or reality television that will make you want to visit the pepto-bismol bottle, it is getting a little ridiculous.

Now, it has gotten a lot ridiculous. It was bad enough the advertising on another network for the other top teen drama “Gossip Girl” produced a slogan of “It’s your parent’s worst nightmare.” Now we have to see the new reality series on MTV is being promoted as “girls willing to shed the pounds (30-80 lbs), become a model and win $100,000!” Right, because that is the only way to become a model or be beautiful is to lose 5, 10…80 pounds! What a great message for our youth of America.

For all those young girls that may read this, hoping to find ways for dramatic weight loss here is the most important message on your body you will ever find:

1 Samuel 16:7 “…for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.”

As youth workers it’s time we teach and model (no pun intended) beauty is on the inside. This isn’t just a cliche to put at the end of children’s books. God truly cares more about your heart than the number that shows up on the scale. Sure, take care of your body, eat right and try to exercise. But God’s Word says “bodily exercise profiteth little” compared to living a godly life. That will make you more beautiful than any Hills star or any model on the runways of New York.

My name is Jeff Beckley, and I am a youth pastor in Ohio. My passion is to train and equip the leaders of tomorrow. My blog site contains relevant articles to help you face the world with a Biblical worldview, humorous “top ten” lists, and helpful young ministry links. Also, this blog will supply youth pastors/workers with helpful tips on forming a Youth Leader Staff, mission trip tips, event helps, and other advice that I learned the hard way or from veterans in the field.

Posted on September 9, 2008

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