
I’ll love you forever, Dana! [video]

Almost 5 years ago Dana and I were engaged. On her birthday, April 24, 2006, I asked her to marry me and 3 months later we were husband and wife. Seems crazy that it was only 5 years ago because so much has happened since then, some of which I’ll blog about later this week or next.

On this Valentine’s Day, I thought I’d share with you our YouTube vlog from yesterday, which includes video footage from our engagement and wedding.

We’ve been making vlogs almost every day on YouTube, so if you’d like to subscribe to future videos, you can do so a number of different ways.

Dana, I love you with all my heart! Thank you for being the most amazing wife I could ever imagine. I love how God uses you in my life on a regular basis: to challenge me, encourage me, support me, love me, and partner with me in raising our two awesome kids. I can’t wait to see just how much more God does through through our joined lives together. I love you!

Posted on February 14, 2011

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