
Internet tools I use in ministry (6 of 6):

Earlier this year I blogged about a site called, a tool I used to download YouTube videos in various different formats to use for teaching purposes. Unfortunately, many of the same problems that plagued still continue today: slow convert time, sluggish download speeds, often unresponsive site and the annoying logo it added to the end of all you videos. It really hasn’t improved at all.

Since then I’ve since found another site that does the same thing, but with less problems: Not only does have more video formats to choose from, it also downloads your YouTube video selection much quicker and does nothing to add a pesky logo to your clip.

There’s so many great video clips on YouTube that serve as great teaching aids and helps me save those clips to my computer in a format I can use for embedding into slideshow presentations and even burning to DVD.

Posted on November 20, 2007

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