
My random day of life in student ministry [video]

Topic / Featured, Videos

I’ve been wanting to do a daily vlog (video blog) for 30 consecutive days for a while now just to have fun and experiment with it, but due to travel and time priorities, I haven’t been able to pull it off. Rather than put it off any longer, I decided just to go for it and do them on random days instead of 30 days in a row.

Here’s my vlog from last Thursday. If you get the question, “So what does a youth pastor do all day?” maybe this can help.

If you like this video, please give it a thumbs-up on YouTube and subscribe to my YouTube videos for other youth ministry videos.

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Other youth pastor vlogs from Thursday

When I originally tweeted the idea of doing a vlog last Thursday, a couple other youth workers jumped in and said they would do it too! Although several vlogged their day on Thursday, only three of them were able to get their videos online in time for this post. Here they are:

Travis' videoTravis Deans: his blog | his vlog on YouTube

Jillianne's videoJillianne Davis: her blog | her vlog on YouTube

Andy's videoAndy Disher: his blog | his vlog on Vimeo

Follow me on Twitter and click “like” on the Facebook page if you want to know when the next day of random “life in student ministry” vlogging takes place.

Posted on July 19, 2010

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