
Looking back on “Life in Student Ministry” in 2007

Growth in 2007
Every year I’m surprised by the growth taking place here at Life in Student Ministry. It’s very humbling that people would actually want to stick around and read this stuff, but it’s fun that you are. Since this time last year, site traffic is up by 383% (currently 33,000+ hits per month) and subscribers up by 945% (currently fluctuating around 670). There’s no way to predict how long this kind of growth will continue, especially since I don’t do anything special to intentionally generate traffic. Either way, I’m looking forward to continuing what goes on here at Life in Student Ministry as well as adding some new features over the next 12 months.

Looking to 2008
For 2008, my ideas and plans for Life in Student Ministry aren’t so much related to the actual blog as they are to extending its services to form more of an interactive community. Here are a couple ideas I’m currently developing in my free time (as limited as that may be):

  • Weekly spiritual nourishment geared specifically for youth workers (starts next week)
  • Online small groups for youth workers
  • Community book studies
  • Promotional tools for ministry-related web content
  • Adding regular guest bloggers to cover specialized issues
  • Anything else that comes during the year as inspiration strikes

What would you like to see from Life in Student Ministry this coming year?

My favorite posts from 2007
Last year I listed my top posts of 2006 strictly by the number of hits each one received. This year it’s a subjective list of my personal favorites.

January 2007
Dealing with the pressures of church leadership
What I learned from interviewing with churches: There’s no vision
Why do I limit what God wants to do through me?

February 2007
Open the lines for youth group communication
Handling discipline at youth group
How I will crash and burn(out) in ministry
A new identity for our youth group

March 2007
Why volunteers should always go for free
Why church is often a student’s last priority
Focus on the kids who ARE there
Free small group curriculum: My life
How to leave a ministry position and finish well

April 2007
Using cliques to my advantage for small groups
10 things that should be banned from youth ministry
Why do kids come to youth group?
A new name for youth workers

May 2007
Improving my body language with students
Free ebook: 130 Youth Ministry Tips and Ideas
Keeping the vision in sight literally
Imitation is not always flattery
Dealing with drama at youth group

June 2007
Creating intergenerational church services
My evangelism stinks
A welcomed interruption in my office

July 2007
Steve Jobs on youth ministry
Impress teens with your church business card
Podcast: One year wedding anniversary
I hate these conversations

August 2007
My problem with outreach events…
10 Commandments for surviving in youth ministry (5 of 10)

September 2007
10 Commandments for surviving in youth ministry (9 of 10)
I’m running on a treadmill that’s moving faster than I can run
How to grow a youth group
This video reminds me why I’m in youth ministry

October 2007
How to keep up with a growing youth group: You can’t!
Top 10 things you don’t want to hear from your youth pastor
Reward system for youth group attendance
Friends just aren’t what they used to be

November 2007
Video archive of Teen Internet Seminar for Parents
Email is old-school: Three better ideas for communicating with teens
I need to change how I help kids grow in Christ
You might be a youth worker if, redneck style

December 2007
How to make fun video announcements in 3 easy steps
How to help students take ownership over their youth group
The ideal youth ministry starts with the idea leader

Posted on January 3, 2008

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Focused Youth Ministry ebook

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Focused Youth Ministry

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