
My site was hacked

Topic / Technology

Yeah, what a way to start out my wedding: all my websites went down the day before I got married and with the honeymoon afterwards there wasn’t a thing I could do about it. My web hosting account apparently was hacked and used to run IRC bots distributing malicious viruses. Understandably the hosting company terminated my account as soon they recognized the security breach and now will no longer host my sites. I lost pretty much everything except my blog database, so I’m starting from scratch all over again with a new host.

A tip to those of you who use open-source material: ALWAYS update with the security patches! I always figured, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Well, if you don’t fix it, it will eventually be broke.

A report on the wedding and honeymoon will be forthcoming as time makes itself available.

Posted on July 31, 2006

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