
I took a new job!

Topic / Videos

Epipheo StudiosAfter 13 years of vocational youth ministry and 15 months of letting my entrepreneurial streak run loose, the Lord seems to be combining all the skills and passions I’ve developed through those experiences into the position I recently accepted at Epipheo Studios. It was definitely a challenging decision to make not only because several other attractive opportunities presented themselves around the same time as Epipheo did, but because it’s the first full-time non-church ministry job I’ve ever had. All I know is “church world.”

There are many reasons why I chose to accept the Creative Strategist position at Epipheo Studios instead of a church youth ministry position somewhere, which I’ll share tomorrow. On Thursday I’ll share some of my plans for Life In Student Ministry going forward, as well.

In the meantime, most of you guys know my wife and I are both very active on YouTube, so we made a little vlog of my conversation with the CEO of Epipheo Studios when I accepted the position last Friday. Feel free to eavesdrop on our conversation and hear a bit of our hearts for me in this position.

After I fulfill some speaking engagements on the east coast and we spend some time with my wife’s family in Texas we’ll be moving to Cincinnati, Ohio, to work at Epipho’s office. In the meantime, I’ll be working for them remotely with some travel between their Portland, OR, and Cincinnati offices.

Chances are good that you haven’t heard of Epipheo Studios (I hadn’t until they contacted me), but if you do anything on the web you’ve most likely seen some of their videos without knowing they made it. That was certainly true for me. Some of their clients include Google, Facebook, Amazon, Mashable, TV Guide, Microsoft, McAfee, AOL, and hundreds more, so if you’ve seen some of their animated videos, you may have seen Epipheo’s work.

Here’s a fun, short little video by Epipheo that explains more of what they do.

Epipheo’s slogan is, “Revealing truth in a way that changes lives.” That’s primarily been focused on communicating their clients’ stories, but all the guys who own and run the company are strong believers who want to do more to share God’s story. I’m excited to join them in turning the “truth” in their slogan into a capital T.

Posted on February 7, 2012

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