
What I learned about ministry in 2007

1. When leaving a youth ministry position, make it quick. At least for my position, a 6 week notice was too long. Four weeks would’ve probably been about right.

2. When starting in my new youth ministry position, I’m glad I spent more time getting to know people than trying to figure out what to do with the youth group. The better I knew the people, the easier that was anyway.

3. I surrounded myself with a core group of “go to” youth workers that I could confide in about ministry issues, struggles, ideas and concerns. Their advice, support and input is always invaluable.

4. Sufficient time off to rest and relax keeps me excited and energized for ministry. Plus, it’s usually during my down time that I accidentally come up with the best ideas for ministry.

5. Reading other ministry blogs keeps me thinking and critically evaluating my ministry. It prevents me from falling into a rut.

6. Building a solid, passionate and well-trained team of youth workers is critical for an effective ministry.

7. I will never implement change blindly or without the support of key people. I’m not a leader if no one else is following.

8. I can never over-appreciate my youth worker team. Without them nothing else would be possible.

9. Serving alongside other youth pastors from other churches in the community has many more unforeseen blessings than I originally thought.

10. I’m glad I enforce a zero tolerance for youth leaders who gossip, even if it’s done with “pure motives.”

11. Without my wife’s amazing support, nothing I am or do in ministry would be possible.

12. Youth workers who buy their youth pastor Guitar Hero III for Christmas TOTALLY ROCK!!! (Thanks, guys!)

Posted on December 27, 2007

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