
Q&A: Why my summer youth schedule is different than the school year’s schedule

Topic / Volunteers

Luke McFadden writes asking, “From what I have seen from your [youth group’s] site, your summer schedule is different than your in school schedule? Just curious of the reasons for this, and how you feel the church/youth take this as well.”

It’s actually not just me — our entire church shifts it’s ministry programming dramatically during the summer for a couple reasons.

1. Attendance is usually pretty low during the summer since so many people are traveling, at camp, visiting family, etc. We never stop events just because numbers are down. It’s more because this is the most natural time for reason #2 to happen.

2. Our volunteers deserve a well-earned break so they’re refreshed and ready to go in the fall. That doesn’t mean that the relationships and personal ministry to students stop — only that there’s not as many “official” events on the calendar.

3. It allows us, as church leaders, to take a step back from the normal ministry grind and reflect, evaluate and cast vision for the next school year. Otherwise we become so entrenched in the same ol’ stuff that we never take time to critically evaluate properly and implement changes for the next year.

Our calendar doesn’t reflect the actual ministry taking place (it never does!). We’re not “shutting down” the youth ministry — it just takes on a different form. It’s the perfect time for more personal hang-outs and building relationships to take place, especially when everyone’s schedules are not as conducive for programming and calendar events.


Have a youth ministry question you’d like me and other readers to answer? E-mail it to me! Please keep your question brief and to-the-point. Thanks!

Posted on May 26, 2008

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