
Recent blog inactivity

Topic / Blogging

Sorry for not updating this past week. I’ll try not to be such a sloth when it comes to this. :) It’s just been a busy this week and I haven’t had anything important to write about anyway. Here are the highlights:

I registered myself and 6 other youth leaders from church for the National Youth Workers Convention in Nashville next month. I’m definitely excited about attending again. We’re staying at Bill Scott’s house instead of a hotel now, so that’ll save us over $1,000.

My apartment still smells like smoke, but we figured it’s coming through the AC vents from the people who live above me. Gotta talk with the apartment complex about resolving that.

I’m really tired of working on computers for a paycheck. It feels like a waste of time when there are so many other more important things to do that impact eternity.

My old roommate is getting married tomorrow. Definitely looking forward to driving out to Tyler to witness that event. :D It’ll be a lot of driving, though, so be prepared to receive a phone call and keep me awake.

Some guy I’ve never met and only talked to a couple times seems like he wants to mentor me for some reason. Kinda weird.

Tomorrow morning I will see 7:30 AM for the first time in months. Why can’t a men’s breakfast at church be closer to lunch-time on a Saturday?

My knees are majorly acting up again from old wrestling injuries. They’re so sensitive and feel like they burst apart inside with even the slightest rub. I hate it.

I purchased my airfare for the week of Thanksgiving and will be flying home the morning after I get home from Nashville.

Came across a solo-album from the leader of an old Christian band I listened to back in 1994, Nouveaux. Paul Alan’s solo project after the band broke up is pretty good! Ordered it online for like $5 and have been listening to it in the car for the past week. Too bad he seems pretty inactive since 2001.

Posted on October 21, 2005

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