
Side-by-side comparison of free video hosting services

Side-by-side video comparisonFor a while now I’ve been trying to figure out which is the best online video to use for my video. I’ve been using [tag]YouTube[/tag] mostly just because it’s so popular, but I’ve also used [tag]Google Video[/tag] for clips larger than 100 MB and longer than 10 minutes (YouTube’s max limit).

Lifehacker has a survey of which is the top video player and notes that if pure image quality is what you’re going for, YouTube might not be your best bet.

They also link to a site that has the same video clip posted side-by-side from various video hosts. Check it out to evaluate where your youth group videos might work best for your needs. I think I’m sticking with YouTube for reasons I posted two weeks ago.

Posted on December 5, 2006

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