
The state of youth ministry and students

I love it when people ask me questions about youth ministry! They usually turn into ideas for blog posts. :) One such example came today from Jason Curlee:

What is the state of America’s youth?
Students are searching for a place where they belong, feel safe, are understood, cared for and loved unconditionally. They’ll even do whatever is necessary in order to gain that approval, which is why we see students wearing one mask at school, another at church and yet another on the athletic field, for example. They’ll conform to the pressures around them in order to feel like they fit in and are accepted. Youth ministry today needs to respond to this by creating an environment of safety, unconditional love, acceptance and a sense of belonging. So when I look at the state of students today, the only way I can see us effectively responding to this is by creating a place where genuine and authentic relationships are key and biblical community is intentional.

Posted on November 8, 2006

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