Issues in Youth Ministry: Jason Curlee
What do you see as some of the main issues youth ministry is struggling with today?
In my opinion so often I see that youth ministry is struggling with being…

30-Hour Famine weekend completed
Whew, what a weekend! I almost had to cancel my youth group’s 30-Hour Famine event this weekend due to Dana and I both feeling pretty sick. We’ve…

Jehovah’s Witnesses evangelize with anti-gay message
Last week I came home and found some material from [tag]Watchtower[/tag] stuffed in my apartment door. It’s interesting the see their approach to…

Living out our theology in youth ministry
Every once in a while I stumble across www.exchristian.net and read through some of the testimonies people submit about why they left the Christian faith. It…

Dreaming of success in youth ministry
Off the top of my head, I dream three things for youth ministry:
1. Students who are growing in depth and insight of God’s Word.
2. Students who genuinely…