
Youth Ministry

Using cliques to my advantage for small groups

I’m not really sure why many youth workers think cliques are such a bad thing. We all have friends that we’re closer to than others, we all have…

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Why I invest the budget into volunteers

My church’s budget runs from July to June, so the new budget proposals from each ministry are due pretty soon. As I work on modifying the student…

read Read Time: 2 Minutes

How to leave a ministry position and finish well

A friend of mine is leaving his youth ministry to attend seminary and asked this question on the Facebook group, Youth Pastors Only: As I prepare for a…

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Top 5 websites I use for youth ministry

1. This is seriously the best place to go if you’re looking for a resource of tried and true youth group games. You could play a different…

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Free small group curriculum: My life

People often ask what I use for my small group curriculum. The truth is, most of the time I use myself as the curriculum. Rather than coming to the group with…

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Top 10 ways to loose your job in youth ministry

I don’t know where I originally got this. I was looking for something else on my computer when I stumbled across an old Word document from 2001 that…

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Focus on the kids who ARE there

Growing up in Sunday school where attendance was sketchy at best, it was not uncommon to hear the teacher say, “Where is everybody?” with a…

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Why church is often a student’s last priority

I recently read an article by Greg Stier titled, “Why Mormons Do Better Youth Ministry Than We Do.” It really confirms a lot of my struggles about…

read Read Time: 3 Minutes

Need your ideas for a new international youth ministry

A good friend of mine, Bill Scott, former President of ZJAM Youth Ministries, is starting a new youth ministry under the American Association of Christian…

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Ten tips for starting a church youth group ministry

My blog statistics indicate that many people find my site when searching for topics related to starting a church youth group. Unfortunately, I don’t…

read Read Time: 3 Minutes