
Two free video announcement intros [Freebie Friday]

Free youth ministry resources every FridayOur Weekly Freebie Friday: #275

I know a lot of you guys like it when I make little video assets you can use for your youth group announcement videos. So, here’s another one for you.

Below is a preview of two different color schemes for the same video. This video preview includes my logo and some background music, but the video files you download do NOT include these. Obviously you don’t want my logo in it for use with your youth group, and I don’t have the rights for the audio track to redistribute it. However, the audio track is only $6 and you can buy it here (affiliate link) if you want to use the same music track I am. Otherwise, feel free to add your own.

Why use an intro for your videos? It grabs viewers’ attention and helps them focus during the first few seconds so when the announcements are shared in the rest of the video, people are already paying attention and watching for what’s about to be shared.

What other kinds of assets could I make for you guys and your youth group videos? Let me know in the comments below and I’ll see what I can do!

LinkDownload the two video announcement intros

Posted on April 6, 2012

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