
Two lessons on bullying and justice with videos! [Freebie Friday]

Free youth ministry resources every FridayOur Weekly Freebie Friday: #283

The Youth Questions channel on YouTube turned 1 year old last March and so far the effort to point teens to godly, solid advice has been amazing! Almost 50 other youth workers partner with me every week to make these videos a reality.

One of the most common questions teens submit to me through YouTube is how to deal with bullying. Surprisingly, they’re not just talking about bullying from the mean kid two grades above them, but they’re asking how to deal with bullying from their parents, teachers, and siblings, too.

So when I saw this free youth group lesson series on bullying, I had to share it with you. You can download it for free from the link below.

You could also use two of the Youth Questions videos on bullying to kick off a discussion with your group each week you discuss this. Or, you could use the lesson series as-is and maybe post these videos to your youth group during the week for further discussion.

Here are the two videos on YouTube:

And by the way, if you’d like to join me and about 50 other youth leaders, teenagers, and parents in answering these questions from teenagers each week, message me on Facebook and I’ll add you to our secret Facebook group. The more caring adults and teenagers we have answering all these questions on video for teenagers, the better!

LinkGet “STAND UP!” mini-series on justice and bullying from

Posted on June 1, 2012

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