
A whole new look and feel to

Topic / Blogging

New design for StudentMinistry.orgTwo and a half years ago I overhauled this site with a premium template I purchased from a site. It was definitely an upgrade from what I was using before, but it was still just a skin I forced to work with my content. It didn’t take long for it to become cluttered and confusing to navigate.

After saving and saving for months, I hired Tyler Shick and Jeff Smith of Five Ninety Labs to completely redesign and rebrand my site, this time building around my content instead of trying to make my content fit in someone else’s design.

Some of you noticed the new design when it went live a couple weeks ago, but we were still working out some kinks and minor design issues until last week. Now’s it’s all finished! Check it out at!

Posted on May 10, 2010

New eBookGo
Focused Youth Ministry ebook

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Focused Youth Ministry

This practical "how to" ebook will walk you through a 30-step process to discovering God's vision for your unique ministry context. The process also shows you how to implement that vision and put metrics in place to evaluate what is moving the vision forward and what isn't.

Price: $12.95 Limited time: $1.99
