
Humorous example of attractional youth ministry [video]

Topic / Videos

I’m not a huge King Of The Hill fan, but this clip is hilarious! A “cool” youth pastor attracts a kid to Jesus, but is that really what the kid is attracted to?

Unfortunately, there’s way too much truth wrapped up in this video. While none our ministries may not come right out and do youth ministry like this, the philosophy behind it often permeates what we do whether we’ve identified it or not.

QUESTION: What stands out to you the most in this video?

For me, the old adage, “What you win them with is what you win them to,” rings true. In fact, I wonder how much of this unintentionally happens on a regular basis just through how we do events, why we do them, and what we unintentionally teach kids through how we do ministry. We think we’re pointing them to Jesus, but what are we really pointing them to? What are we really winning them to? What kind of Jesus are we really showing them?

[ ht to ]

Posted on June 16, 2011

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