
Freebie Friday #147: “Porn Again Christian” free ebook

Free youth ministry resources every FridayYesterday in my article on how to beat a porn addiction before it’s too late, I mentioned that I would send you guys to a resource today that can be of help in the daily struggle against pornography.

About a year and a half ago, Freebie Friday #75 was an ebook about pornography called, “When a man’s eye wanders.” It’s still available and is definitely worth reading. It’s a pretty quick read, but mostly skims the surface of the issue.

Today’s free ebook goes into more depth about the subject. It’s called, “Porn Again Christian: A frank discussion on pornography and masturbation,” by Mark Driscoll. At 53 pages long, it’s not really a full blown book, but it’s definitely bigger than a pamphlet.

If pornography is a struggle for you or someone you know, this ebook is well worth downloading. Or, if ebooks aren’t your thing, you can also purchase it for about $8.

LinkDownload “Porn Again Christian” free ebook

Remember, there is no LIVE YM Talk today or any other Friday in the future. LIVE YM Talks have switched to Mondays. Our next LIVE YM Talk is this Monday, October 19, with featured guest, Matt Brown, who will lead us in a discussion on mobilizing your students to share their faith.

Posted on October 15, 2009

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