
Freebie Friday #163: Movie sound clips trivia game

Free youth ministry resources every FridayTwo years ago I gave away a game I made combining audio clips from different movies. The idea is to have youth group kids pair up with a piece of paper and pencil and, as a team, try to correctly identify as many movies as they can. The winning team get some candy or a cheap prize.

I created another one and played it with our youth group last week. Apparently it’s a bit harder than I thought it would be.

First, here’s the answer key:

1. Napoleon Dynamite
2. Incredibles
3. Finding Nemo
4. Shrek 2
5. 50 first dates
6. Night at the museum
7. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
8. Toy Story
9. Ice Age
10. Madagascar
11. Elf
12. Mrs. Doubtfire
13. Nacho Libre
14. Prince of Egypt
15. Wizard of Oz
16. Transformers: revenge of the fallen
17. Up
18. Star Trek
19. Open Season 2
20. Kung Fu Panda
21. Bolt
22. The Dark Knight
23. Wall-E
24. Cars
25. Lord of the Rings: Two Towers
26. National Treasure 2
27. Indiana Jones: Temple of Doom
28. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End
29. Spiderman 3
30. Robots

There’s two options for downloading the audio file. You can download it in iTunes or download the mp3 directly below:

1. Play: Movie sound clips trivia     

Join us for LIVE YM Talk this Monday, February 8! The “The “Youth Ministry Advance Team: Haiti” members will discuss their upcoming missions work.” Our guests will include Adam McLane, Anne Jackson, Jeremy Zach, Jeff Goins, and others. We’d love to have you join us! The live conversation starts at 2:00 PM eastern time! See our LIVE YM Talk page for details.

Posted on February 4, 2010

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