
Freebie Friday #167: Seminar, “Communicating with teens and parents throughout the week”

Free youth ministry resources every FridayLast weekend at the Simply Youth Ministry Conference I was scheduled to present the same seminar I lead at conference the year before, “Communicating youth group news with teens and parents throughout the week,” except as I was going through my old notes, I was surprised how outdated a lot of it was already. It’s crazy how quickly communication methods can change. So, I updated a lot of my old content, revised many of my points, and added a whole bunch of new stuff.

Thankfully, Simply gave me permission to record a video of the seminar and share it here with you all.

Here’s the link I mention in the beginning of the seminar that contains links to many of the tools, articles, tutorials, and resources discussed throughout the seminar.

You can either watch the seminar in it’s entirety on YouTube in high quality or download it in iTunes in iPod/mobile quality.

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This Monday, March 8, we will discuss some of the recent questions and debates from Join us and give your input to answering other youth worker’s ministry questions. The live conversation starts at 2:00 PM eastern time! See our LIVE YM Talk page for details.

Posted on March 5, 2010

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