
Freebie Friday #22: Two lessons on, “Devoting yourself to God this summer”

Two lessons on devoting yourself to God this summerAs spring comes to a close and my youth group kids are getting ready to head into the summer, I’ve really been pushing hard the idea that they have a lot of free time over the next couple months and the excuse, “I don’t have time to spend time with God” is no longer valid. I’ve also been encouraging them to think of what they can do for God this summer with their free time, rather than wasting it in front of a TV. Now there’s a list hanging up in my office of what each student wants to do for God this summer and their plan to accomplish it. When school starts again in the fall, I’ll follow-up on their plans and commitments and discuss their summers.

Here are two Bible lessons I used for discussing this topic of devoting time to God, serving Him and making good choices this summer:

Word DocumentBIG PLANS FOR THE SUMMER (Part 1)


CONTRIBUTE TO FREEBIE FRIDAY: If you’ve benefited from others who have freely shared their youth ministry resources online, consider giving back to the community by sharing your own materials here. Send me your donations for review and if I publish them in a Freebie Friday, you’ll receive full credit, a link, lots of gratitude and a warm feeling inside that comes from sharing with others.

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Posted on May 25, 2007

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