
I’m on the Dare 2 Share blogging team!

Dare 2 Share BlogThis week Dare 2 Share officially launched their brand new blog, “Relational and Relentless Blog: Energizing a Generation to Evangelize Their World.” I’m not even sure if they’ve officially announced it yet other than on Facebook and Twitter, but it’s definitely alive and kicking.

I’m honored to be one of the contributing authors on the blog along with Greg Stier and Jason Lamb, two guys I love and know well. The three of us all share a similar heart for sharing Christ and helping teenagers do the same, so it will be fun to see how the posts we write all somehow unintentionally coincide with each other.

I’ll be writing about one post a week and so far have three posts up.

Some of my upcoming posts also cover other ways to use social media to share Christ and spark spiritual conversations online, but today I wrote two posts that are personally very convicting for me as I think back on past years of evangelism efforts. Those will be published in upcoming weeks.

Be sure to subscribe to Dare 2 Share’s blog by snagging the RSS feed.

Posted on December 1, 2011

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